Over the years I have had the great pleasure of working with many different contractors. 

Here are just a few I have worked with.

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Weslins - Maxol Station Mulhuddart.
The air tightness application brought this building to 2.64m3.hr.m2. 
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The work involved the air-tight application of fitting vapour barrier from the roof sheeting to the top of the windows on all evaluations.
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Century - Kingspan. 
We were nominated contractors nationally for applying air tight applications. Irish Energy Assessors fitted 90 houses in 2015 for
Century - Kingspan.
J J Rhatigans New logo
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Rhatigans was a large school project. There was 3.85km of window, door and screen tapes needed.We sealed all mechanical and electrical penetrations also. We also prepared the individual rooms for the air tight testing.

We recently completed a job on a large house in Tipperary, we achieved an air tight reading of 0.45 air changes per hour (passive house standard is 0.60)



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